The Design Challenge
The first step of the application process. Includes written questions and a 10 slide max deck on your design solution for the semesterly design challenge.
Application Process
A wholistic view of the application timeline, including all the events BI is hosting to support applicants (e.g infosessions, workshops, etc.)
Extra resources to help you with the application process!
Commonly asked questions about the club, the process, etc.

The Design Challenge
Despite zero waste initiatives from universities around the nation, college students consistently produce significant amounts of waste in a variety of areas, ranging from food and clothing to electronics and textbooks. With this in mind, this semester's design challenge is:
How might we help college students reduce waste?
Tips for the Design Challenge:
To kick off your challenge, think about and perform some research on the type of waste you would be interested in tackling.
Attend BI’s education workshops to help you understand and practice using HCD methods
Attend BI’s office hours to ask more specific questions regarding your design challenge.
Your solution should connect back to your research.
We advise against mobile/desktop application solutions, like apps or websites. If you choose to do a mobile/desktop application, we recommend showing only the core experiences of the solution rather than a complete user flow of the entire application — the process and design thinking is the most important part here!
Feel free to explore different areas of design, such as environmental, physical, AR/VR, industrial, digital, publication, marketing and much more!
Design challenge submissions WILL CLOSE February 2 at 11:59PM. No late applications will be accepted.
Choose 1 experience to focus on.
There is a MAX of 10 slides for your deck submission. If you would like to include a title slide, it will not be counted towards the 10 slide maximum.
If there are technical difficulties, please reach out as soon as possible.